



2.5 day foundational Drum Circle Facilitators training!






Lucas Coffey & Marcus Fung have provided engaging, and dynamic rhythmic events for thousands of Albertan’s.

Their insight and versatility as facilitators, comes from continued work with an incredibly diverse spread of populations, each having their own unique range of needs.

They have worked with, the well elderly, early childhood, special needs, youth at risk, schools (Kindergarten-post secondary), organizational teambuilding, Spirituality, Grief, Health & Wellness, family, ESL and a variety of youth groups.


We are devoted to making available, the power and potential of Drum Circles with as many people as possible.

We have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to share our joy and knowledge with aspiring facilitators; to share our growing pains, and factors to success and to best assist you in finding your own unique facilitation style, creating successful, expressive events.

To illuminate and uphold, the values and principles we have learned, that we believe, truly make an engaging, empowering, and uplifting event.



$325 ($300 if you take the intermediate course with Cameron as well)



  • You are looking to host your own rhythm event
  • You would like to increase your inclusive art skill set
  • You are passionate about arts facilitation
  • You are a youth worker, teacher, camp counselor, special needs caregiver, Human Resources manager, health worker, music teachers, addictions councilors, after school activity directors, corporate facilitators.



1. Teacher vs. Facilitator

A facilitator understands the difference between being a guide and an instructor. We will explore the idea that rhythm and expression is innate, and as facilitators it is our job to inspire it, rather than teach it. Your goal as a facilitator is to ALWAYS give the power back to the group.

2. Developing your facilitators radar

Using and developing all of your senses to best understand the dynamic needs of your group. This will ultimately allow you to use all of your knowledge and tools to their greatest potential and benefit.

3. Developing your tool belt

These are the games, tricks, techniques, and processes used inside and outside the drum circle. How you use your tools will be determined by the needs of your group.

4. Intention

Continuously reflecting upon, and refining your intentions are critical to your growth and understanding as a facilitator.




12:00PM-3:00PM: On site school training with Cameron (Optional) *Location TBA

5:45PM: Registration at YOUCAN

6:00-10:00PM: Training


9:30AM-12:00PM: Training

12:00PM-1:00PM: Lunch

1:00PM-5:30PM: Training

5:30PM-6:30PM: Dinner Break

6:30PM-9:30PM: Instruction and Jam


9:30AM-12:00PM: Training

12:00PM-1:00PM: Lunch

1:00PM-3:00PM: Training

4:30PM-6:30PM: Community Drum Circle


For each session we will be illuminating two key concepts that will be paired with practical tools, and games. At the beginning of the session we will be modeling examples, followed by jump time, an opportunity for everyone to practice the tools presented.


Session 1

Key Concepts: Creating the physical space & Understanding the needs of your group
Tools: Count down, Cut Stop

Session 2

Key Concepts: Building Rapport & Creating Successes
Tools: Ideas for opening the circle, Rumbles, basic call and response

Session 3

Key Concepts: Musicality/body language & Entrainment (Part #1)
Tools: Volume/Dynamics (Part #1), Accents, Rhythmatizing

Session 4

Key Concepts: Creating space & Entrainment (Part #2)
Tools: Pass the Part, layering, Rhythm Stew

Session 5

Key Concepts: Listening & Percussion Consciousness
Tools: Sculpting, Passing out percussion, Volume/Dynamics (Part #2)

Session 6

Key Concepts: Facilitators “hot spot” & Closing Circle/Reflection (inside & outside the circle)
Tools: Get Out Of The Way, Transitioning, Reflection tools



Lucas-coffeyLUCAS COFFEY

Lucas Coffey is a professional drum circle facilitator and the cofounder and executive director of Music Is A Weapon. Music Is A Weapon is a nonprofit society that brings individuals and organizations together through music, art, and renewable energy. Things that make Lucas come alive include; watching people find what makes them come alive, community music, innovation, people who are awesome, surprising people, and his family. Lucas also enjoys writing in the third person.


marcus-fung-200MARCUS FUNG








“It was amazing to watch Lucas facilitate each circle with the power of his drum. His high, positive energy
and skills in using the drum to lead each group made the experience enjoyable for each participant.”
~ Kerri Kenwell, Music Teacher, Graminia School