Please read to ensure your school will have the correct number of days for your residency.

The culmination of our RHyTHM RHyTHM RHyTHM residency is a large 150 person finale where parents, community, students & staff all play together to build school spirit through rhythm. To prepare students for the finale they require 3 sessions.

Sessions for K-3 are 30 minutes & 4-9 are 45 minutes (see our schedule requirements for more details).

IN-PERSON (8 sessions with 30 students/session= 240 students/day): $650/day
IN-PERSON DOUBLE (8 sessions with 60 students or 2 classes/session= 480 students/day): $850/day
ONLINE (8 sessions with 120 students or 4 classes/session= 960 students/day): $950/day
PRE RESIDENCY VIDEOS (Whole school recieves 2 sessions of division specific material): $1000
*Optional drum rental for online & pre residency videos: $2/drum/week
FINALE (up to 5 sessions with 150 drums): $650

ONLINE & PRE RESIDENCY VIDEOS are a great way to:
-Fit a larger residency in a smaller time frame
-Accommodate large schools
-Save money

IN-PERSON is a great way to:
-Stay away from screens
-Maximize energy
-Build relationships and have a personalized experience

Use a mix of both to best suit your schools needs.

Our 2022-2023 Residencies are now full

Now booking for 2023-2024. Please contact