
Learn about a healthy brain through rhythm!


BRAIN PULSE uses the drum circle as a metaphor to discover the brain and its functions: a whole made up of interconnected, specialized parts. Participants will come away with tools to deliver a multi-session program covering topics such as: the brain as ensemble; neural networks, neuroplasticity, the complementary roles of the “upstairs” and “downstairs” brain; sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems; and the brain-body connection. Students will deepen their understanding of how the brain works, and how to make healthy choices for a lifetime of flourishing brain health!

BRAIN PULSE is designed as an online resource and teaching portal where participants follow a sequenced syllabus which they can complete at their own pace. The different sessions will include videos, lesson plans, activities, resource materials, trivia, virtual support, networking, and more. As time progresses, we will be adding additional sessions to the portal to continue to enhance the learning experience.



With a wealth of information becoming available about our brains in the last couple decades, mixed with a need for fun ways for students to engage in social-emotional learning, the founders of BRAIN PULSE wanted a resource for youth educators to actively engage with both. We want young people to have the tools to take control of their lives, form new neural connections, learn, build relationships and grow!



  • *Access to the online BRAIN PULSE Portal, and your Personal Portal Page, so you can learn on your own time, at your own pace

  • *A series of BRAIN PULSE sessions, where you will learn to deliver a multi-session rhythm and brain-health program for young people

  • *Performance ensemble, games & discussions that teach about the brain, using drum circles as a metaphor

  • *Real-world course videos as demonstrations

  • *Access to our online discussions & content

  • *BRAIN BOOSTS links, facts and articles that connect you to the latest brain research on which the program is based

  • *DIY version with notation, sample videos, images and PDF’s of the activities

  • *PPAD (Push Play and Drum) a video version where our hosts take you and the you through all of the rhythms, games and brain metaphors



  • *Schools

  • *Drum Circle Facilitators

  • *Music Educators

  • *Youth & Community Leaders

  • *Music Therapists



Right now we are offering life-time access to the BRAIN PULSE Online Course for $495 USD


Lucas Coffey at:

​Our International Team


Dr Jane Bentley
Dr. Jane Bentley is a drummer and music-in-healthcare practitioner, consultant, and trainer, based in Glasgow, Scotland. In 2011 she was awarded the first ever PhD based on drum circles and improvisation. Jane has brought music to elder care and mental health care settings for over 15 years. Dr. Bentley works part-time for the National Health Service in Scotland, focusing on music therapy with older adults. She established “Singing Memories” – a community singing group for people with demetia, and their carers; as well as collaborated with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra working with older adults in hospitals across Scotland. In 2015 Jane was awarded the prestigious Churchill travelling fellowship to study the role of music in the well-being of older adults in Asia, and visted Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore, and in 2018 shw joined the Global Brain Health Institute as an Atlantic Fellow – working on music and brain helath at Trinity Collge, Dublin.


Lucas Coffey
Lucas Coffey Lucas Coffey is the founder and lead facilitator of Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm, a sold-out artist-in-residence program that has shared improvised music with over 100, 000 students in Alberta and throughout North America. He is the co-founder of Rhythm for Youth, a training program designed to assist youth educators in launching or enhancing their own improv rhythm programs. He is a global drum circle trainer for Arthur Hull’s Village Music Circles. He has presented at the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild conference in 2017, 2021 & 2022, at the GETCA teachers conference in 2017, Seattle World Rhythm Festival in 2018, and the REMO Centre for Music in 2018. He is the author of the upcoming e-book “4 Principles of Ensemble Improv.”


Mary Knysh
Mary Knysh is the founder of Rhythmic Connections, an innovative company advancing education, health, community building, and creative development through drum circles and music improvisation programs that she has developed. Mary is also the Program Director for the International Music for People organization, as well as an Orff Schulwek clinician, and has travelled internationally for over 35 years inspiring participants to tap into the healing and human potintial through the transformative power of music. As an author, Mary has penned five books on improvisational drumming, which assists and instructs educators, therapists, parents, and anyone interest in music. Mary is endorsed by Tocca Percussion and Rhythm Band Instruments.