The Brain Ensemble
The Brain Ensemble
Dr. Jane Bently, Mary Knysh and Lucas Coffey have created a new five-session program that teaches students about the brain using the drum circle as a metaphor. This multidisciplinary residency combines science, health and wellness & music to deliver a hands-on approach to learning about the brain! Sessions include:
- The mind: Changing the Unconscious
- Upstairs & Downstairs: The Creative Centre
- Movement: Activating the Brain
- Relationships: Collabobrain
- Choices: Brain Health
The brain, like a drum circle, is an ensemble made of many players with different roles. When these players work well together we can create harmony in ourselves and fulfilling music together. %90-%95 of our thoughts come from our unconscious mind and in order to have these thoughts serve us and our music we use attention and repetition